Dothan Firm Handles Fatal Drunk Driving Accident Cases

Alabama lawyers pursue damages in wrongful death actions

At Carey & Hamner, P.C., we are Alabama attorneys who stand up for plaintiffs in wrongful death lawsuits against drivers who were under the influence of alcohol or drugs when the accident occurred. Our Dothan firm has a strong track recovering substantial verdicts and settlements in cases relating to motorist negligence.

How frequent are fatal drunk driving accidents in Alabama?

Approximately 300 people are killed annually in alcohol-related accidents on Alabama roads. The state typically has one of the highest rates of DUI fatalities in the country. If someone you love is part of that sad statistic, our firm is determined to help surviving family members. Though the legal intoxication level is .08 percent blood-alcohol concentration for most Alabama drivers, it’s important to remember that a motorist’s ability to operate a car safely can be impaired even if they are not legally drunk.

Types of drunk driving accidents that cause the most deaths

Driving under the influence can lead to a wide array of dangerous driving behaviors, including:

  • Falling asleep or losing focus at the wheel
  • Drifting in and out of lanes
  • Failing to recognize a pedestrian or bicyclist
  • Misjudging the distance to another car or fixed object

No matter what specific series of events precipitated the crash, we will press for appropriate payment so that the drunk driver is held accountable and you can gain a measure of relief.

Important factors in fatal drunk driving cases

Even if the facts of the fatal crash are not in question, obtaining appropriate compensation in a wrongful death action might present a challenge. Some fatal DUI cases involve impaired youths who are joyriding in someone else’s car and lack insurance coverage. In situations where the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, we will examine your options under your policy and pursue financial relief from every available source. Wrongful death claims must be filed by the personal representative of the decedent’s estate. Our firm can handle the necessary paperwork and advise you regarding the particular types of damages that a court might award in order to punish the liable parties.

Pedestrians hit by an intoxicated driver

People who get behind the wheel while drunk aren’t just a threat to other drivers, but to pedestrians, bike riders and even the passengers in their own car. Bicycles and walkers lack any real protection from a collision and can be more difficult to see for an impaired motorist. While a crash involving another car usually stops the drunk driver’s vehicle, there is a greater chance of a hit and run after a cyclist or pedestrian is struck. The situation can also get deadly when a truck is involved. If need be, we will review the evidence and police records in an effort to find who caused the fatal accident.

What evidence is needed to prove a fatal drunk driving case?

Even when the driver who caused a fatal crash was intoxicated, their lawyer or insurance company might try to assert that the deceased victim also was driving carelessly. This is very important, because plaintiffs are barred from collecting damages if the deceased victim is assigned any fault at all for the collision. Our attorneys examine the police report, speak with eyewitnesses and conduct whatever research is necessary to show that the defendant was liable for the death. There might be instances where a third party, such as a vehicle manufacturer or the government body responsible for road safety, is also named as a defendant.

Contact an Alabama DUI accident lawyer to schedule a free consultation

Carey & Hamner, P.C. provides comprehensive legal counsel for Alabama residents in wrongful death and personal injury cases where accidents were triggered by drunk drivers. Please call 855-435-4797 or contact us online to set up a free initial consultation. Our office is in Dothan.